I began my volunteer work at the L.A. Food Bank on a sunny and bright day. I got myself ready and left my house. The location was full of buildings that looked old and massive. I wanted to fulfill my desire to give back to others by volunteering at the foodbank. I was able to do this with the help of others who also enjoy volunteering.
There were many people in the food bank when I arrived. It was noisy in the room as people lined up to check-in with coordinators. After checking-in, all volunteers began to perform their duties. When I realized that I would be able to work and interact with people from different backgrounds, I became excited. The volunteer experience I had allowed me the opportunity to meet people from diverse backgrounds.
The coordinators assigned me the task of repackaging donated food items after they were sorted and checked by volunteers. Each bag of donated food had to have the right amount. As a collective, we were able to work like an assembly line by moving the donated items from one volunteer to another. We quickly put the food in bags to prevent the table from becoming overcrowded. I thought that all the hard work would be worthwhile if we could help others. The task I was given required me to focus on my work while working quickly, using my hands.
As I was packaging food, I got to speak with many different people. Our team worked well together to complete our task. While I was working on my task, the volunteers surrounding me would tell us, “There’s still a lot of boxes that need unloaded”, as we worked at a rapid pace. We all seemed to share the same goal, and that was to help others. It allows people with similar interests to get together and improve our social skills.
After helping to pack up the food, I went home. As I left, I said goodbye to everyone by waving and saying “Goodbye”. While I was leaving the building, i reflected on the time I spent at the famine relief center. After having such a positive experience, I was determined to return to the Food Bank to volunteer. I made a positive impact in my community when I helped to pack food. This was because it gave people hope and enabled them to fight hunger.
As an American with a heart for giving back, my opportunities are limitless. Volunteering allows me to improve my social abilities and meet people of different backgrounds. It gives me a chance to interact with people who are passionate about helping others, just like me. I usually don’t feel this way after volunteering. I have grown as a moral person because of my volunteer experience. Volunteering has given me the opportunity to live in situations I might not otherwise have experienced.