Mastering Parallelism: A Key Skill In Writing

Parallelism in writing is a powerful and often overlooked tool that can greatly enhance the impact and effectiveness of your writing. Often used in literature, speeches, and advertising, parallelism involves the repetition of similar grammatical structures to create a sense of balance and rhythm. From the literary works of Shakespeare to modern-day campaign slogans, parallelism has been a key element in captivating audiences and conveying powerful messages. In this article, we will explore the concept of parallelism, its various forms, and how you can effectively utilize it in your own writing to make a lasting impression on your readers.

Parallelism in Writing

If you’ve ever read a piece of writing and noticed that the sentences flow together smoothly, chances are it is because of parallelism. Parallelism, also known as parallel construction, is an important element in writing that can greatly enhance the coherence and effectiveness of your content. In this article, we will explore what parallelism is, why it is important, and how it can be effectively used in your writing.

Definition of Parallelism

Parallelism in writing refers to the use of similar grammatical structures or patterns within sentences or paragraphs to create balance and rhythm. Essentially, it involves using the same form or structure for multiple parts of a sentence, which can be words, phrases, clauses, or even entire sentences. This repetition brings a sense of consistency and clarity to the writing, making it easier for the reader to follow and understand.

Parallelism can be seen in various types of writing, including literature, speeches, essays, and even advertisements. It can manifest itself in different ways, such as using the same verb tense, repeating certain keywords, or mirroring sentence structure.

Importance of Parallelism

Now that we know what parallelism is, let’s explore why it is an essential tool in writing.

1. Enhances Coherence and Clarity

Parallelism helps to create a cohesive flow in writing by linking related ideas and creating a sense of harmony. When the structure of a sentence is consistent, readers can easily follow and understand the intended message without confusion or ambiguity. This is particularly important in academic writing, where clear and concise communication is crucial.

2. Emphasizes Important Points

Parallelism can also be used to emphasize key points or ideas in writing. By repeating words or phrases, the writer draws attention to them and emphasizes their importance. This can be especially effective in persuasive writing, where the writer wants to persuade the reader to agree with their argument.

3. Adds Rhythm and Flow

In addition to enhancing clarity, parallelism also adds a rhythmic quality to writing. By using similar structures, the sentences have a smoother flow, making them more pleasant and engaging to read. This can make writing more memorable and impactful, whether it is a speech, poem, or even a simple email.

4. Emulates Professionalism

Parallelism is commonly used in professional writing, such as business reports, marketing materials, and legal documents. By incorporating parallelism in your writing, you can add a level of professionalism and sophistication to your work, making it more polished and refined.

Examples of Parallelism

To get a better understanding of how parallelism works, let’s look at a few examples:

Example 1:

Not parallel: The students were expected to write an essay, complete their homework, and studying for the exam.

Parallel: The students were expected to write an essay, complete their homework, and study for the exam.

In this example, the verbs used in the list are not consistent, which makes the sentence sound awkward and unbalanced. By using the same verb form, the sentence becomes parallel and easier to understand.

Example 2:

Not parallel: She likes hiking, ice skating, and to swim in the lake.

Parallel: She likes hiking, ice skating, and swimming in the lake.

This example shows how parallelism can be applied to phrases. By using the same gerund form (-ing) for all the activities, the sentence becomes more cohesive and easier to read.

Example 3:

Not parallel: The conference will feature networking opportunities, informative workshops, and to listen to keynote speakers.

Parallel: The conference will feature networking opportunities, informative workshops, and keynote speakers.

Here, the third item in the list (to listen to) does not follow the same structure as the first two items. By removing the unnecessary verb, the sentence becomes parallel and more effective.

Using Parallelism Effectively

Now that we have seen some examples of parallelism, let’s explore how we can use it effectively in writing.

1. Consistency is key

To ensure parallelism in your writing, it is crucial to maintain consistency in structure throughout the sentence or paragraph. This means using the same verb tense, verb form, and grammatical structure for all the items in a list or series.

2. Vary sentence structure

While parallelism can add flow and rhythm to writing, it is essential to vary sentence structure to prevent monotony. Using too many similar sentences with parallel structures can make writing sound robotic and dull. Therefore, try to mix up sentence types by incorporating simple, complex, and compound sentences.

3. Use parallelism for emphasis

As mentioned earlier, parallelism can be used to emphasize important points in writing. When trying to highlight a particular idea or argument, consider repeating keywords or phrases to draw attention to them and emphasize their significance.

4. Practice makes perfect

Like any other writing technique, mastering parallelism takes practice. The more you use it in your writing, the more natural it will become, and you will be able to identify when and how to use it effectively.

What is Parallel Construction in Writing?

If you want to learn more about parallelism, you may come across the term "parallel construction." While these terms are often used interchangeably, there is a slight difference between them.

Parallel construction refers to the grammatical structure of a sentence, whereas parallelism refers to the overall use of parallel constructions within a piece of writing. In simpler terms, parallelism is the concept, while parallel construction is the practice.

For more information on parallel construction, check out this helpful article from What is Parallel Construction in Writing?


In conclusion, parallelism is a powerful tool that can greatly enhance the quality of your writing. It brings balance, coherence, and emphasis to your sentences, making them more effective and engaging for your readers. By incorporating parallelism in your writing, you can take your writing to the next level and make it more polished and professional.

Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep working on incorporating parallelism into your writing, and soon it will become second nature. And for more writing tips and resources, check out our Student Tools page for helpful articles and tools to improve your writing skills.

In conclusion, parallelism is a crucial element in effective writing. It helps to create balance, clarity, and emphasis in our sentences and paragraphs. By using parallel structure, we can make our writing more cohesive and persuasive. Whether in literature, speeches, or everyday communication, parallelism adds depth and power to our words. As writers, we should strive to incorporate parallelism into our writing to enhance its impact and make it more engaging for our readers. So, let us remember the power of parallelism and use it to elevate our writing to new heights.


  • faithwest

    Faith West is a 29-year-old blogger and mother of two from Utah. She is a graduate of Utah Valley University and is currently pursuing her Master's degree in education. Faith is an advocate for education and is passionate about helping others achieve their educational goals. She is the founder of the blog "Faithfully Educated" and is a regular contributor to several other online publications.