Master The Art Of Creating A Degree Symbol

Are you tired of searching for the degree symbol every time you need it? Look no further! In this article, we will discuss easy and efficient ways to create a degree symbol. Whether you’re using a computer or writing by hand, these techniques will save you time and frustration. Follow these tips and tricks to produce a perfect degree symbol every time. Let’s get started!

How to Create a Degree Symbol in HTML

In HTML, the degree symbol (°) is used to represent degrees of temperature or angles. It is a small superscript circle that can be a bit tricky to produce, especially for those who are new to coding. However, with a few techniques and some simple steps, you can easily create a degree symbol in your HTML code. In this article, we will explore various ways to generate a degree symbol, along with tips and tricks to help you fashion it perfectly.

Ways to Make a Degree Symbol

There are several ways to make a degree symbol in HTML, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Some methods involve using codes, while others utilize special characters. Let’s take a look at some of the common ways to generate a degree symbol:

  • Using HTML Entities: One of the most common ways to create a degree symbol is by using HTML entities. These are special codes that represent symbols, characters, and other entities in HTML. The HTML entity code for a degree symbol is °, and it will display as ° once rendered by the browser.
  • Using the Character Map: Another way to produce a degree symbol is by using the Character Map feature on your computer. This method is particularly useful for those who are not familiar with HTML codes. Simply open the Character Map, select the degree symbol, and then copy and paste it into your HTML code.
  • Using ASCII Code: The ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code for the degree symbol is 176, and it can be used to generate the symbol. However, this method is not commonly used as it requires a lot of keystrokes and may not display correctly on all browsers.

Steps to Produce a Degree Symbol

If you are not familiar with HTML codes, the simplest way to create a degree symbol is by using the Character Map feature on your computer. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Open the Character Map: On Windows, go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Character Map. On Mac, go to Applications > Utilities > Character Map.
  2. Select the degree symbol (°) on the Character Map.
  3. Click on the "Select" button, followed by the "Copy" button.
  4. Paste the copied symbol (°) into your HTML code at the desired location.

Alternatively, if you prefer to use HTML codes, here is how to produce a degree symbol in your HTML code:

  1. Replace the < symbol with &lt; to prevent the browser from reading the code as an HTML tag.
  2. Insert the HTML entity code &deg; where you want the degree symbol to appear.
  3. Replace the > symbol with &gt; to complete the code.

Techniques for Generating a Degree Symbol

While there are many ways to generate a degree symbol, some techniques can help you create it more efficiently and effectively. Here are a few techniques to keep in mind when crafting a degree symbol in your HTML code:

  • Use Appropriate Font: When creating a degree symbol, make sure to use a font that supports it. Some fonts do not have a degree symbol, and using them may cause the symbol to appear as a question mark or a box.
  • Use Unicode: Unicode is an international standard that assigns a unique number to every character and symbol. Using Unicode can help ensure that your degree symbol displays correctly on all devices and browsers.
  • Avoid Styling Issues: Depending on the font and size of your text, the degree symbol may appear too small or too big, making it difficult to read. To avoid this issue, you can use CSS to style the symbol to the desired size.

Tips for Crafting a Degree Symbol

To create a perfect degree symbol in your HTML code, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Test on Different Devices: Before finalizing your HTML code, test it on different devices and browsers to ensure that the degree symbol displays correctly.
  • Check for Compatibility: Some old browsers may not support certain HTML entities, so make sure to check for compatibility before using them.
  • Use Decimal Point: If you are using ASCII code to generate the degree symbol, make sure to use a decimal point (176.) instead of a whole number (176) to prevent compatibility issues on some browsers.

Tricks to Form a Degree Symbol

To add some creativity to your degree symbol, here are a few tricks that you can try:

  • Use a Superscript Tag: You can use the <sup> tag to make the degree symbol appear as a superscript, giving it a more professional outlook.
  • Use a Code Generator: If you are new to HTML, you can use online code generators to create the degree symbol for you. All you need to do is enter the desired symbol and click on the "Generate" button.

Methods for Constructing a Degree Symbol

While there are various ways to construct a degree symbol in your HTML code, the most popular methods are using HTML entity codes, ASCII codes, or the Character Map feature. Each method has its own advantages and limitations, so it is best to choose the one that works best for you.

Procedures for Designing a Degree Symbol

Designing a degree symbol in HTML may seem like a small task, but it requires attention to detail to ensure that it appears correctly on all devices and browsers. Here are some general procedures that you can follow when designing a degree symbol in your HTML code:

  • Choose the Right Method: Select the method that works best for you, keeping in mind your coding skills and the requirements of your project.
  • Test and Check Compatibility: Always test and check for compatibility on different devices and browsers before finalizing your code.
  • Use Appropriate Font and Size: Make sure to use a font and size that supports the degree symbol to prevent any styling issues.

Guidelines for Fashioning a Degree Symbol

To fashion a degree symbol effectively, here are some guidelines to keep in mind:

  • Use Standard Codes: While there are alternative codes and techniques to generate a degree symbol, it is recommended to use standard HTML entity codes for better compatibility.
  • Keep it Simple: Don’t overcomplicate your code when generating a degree symbol. Use simple, easy-to-understand methods for better efficiency.

Approaches to Producing a Degree Symbol

The approaches to producing a degree symbol may vary based on personal preferences and the requirements of the project. However, the key is to choose the method that works best for you and to keep it simple. With the tips, tricks, and techniques mentioned in this article, creating a perfect degree symbol in your HTML code should now be a breeze.


In conclusion, generating a degree symbol in HTML can seem like a daunting task, but with the right techniques and tips, you can easily add this useful symbol to your code. Whether you prefer using HTML entity codes, ASCII codes, or the Character Map feature, make sure to test your code for compatibility and choose an appropriate font and size. By following the steps and guidelines mentioned in this article, you can easily craft a degree symbol in your HTML code and enhance the visual appeal of your website.

If you are interested in learning more about HTML and other coding languages, check out, where you can find helpful articles and resources on various topics related to technology and education.

In conclusion, creating a degree symbol is a simple and useful skill to have in various applications. By following the steps, techniques, tips, tricks, methods, procedures, and guidelines outlined in this article, anyone can easily produce a degree symbol. Whether it’s for academic or professional purposes, having the ability to craft a degree symbol will enhance your work and make it more accurate. So next time you need to use a degree symbol, remember these approaches and create it with ease.


  • faithwest

    Faith West is a 29-year-old blogger and mother of two from Utah. She is a graduate of Utah Valley University and is currently pursuing her Master's degree in education. Faith is an advocate for education and is passionate about helping others achieve their educational goals. She is the founder of the blog "Faithfully Educated" and is a regular contributor to several other online publications.